Niger: Support to UNHCR and WFP country operations

Niger hosts the largest number of forcibly displaced people of any country in West Africa, with over 400,000 refugees from Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso and other countries, and 550,000 internally displaced people. In 2023, the security situation in the country worsened, causing further forced displacement. Combined with the food price crisis and recurrent climatic shocks, these factors have contributed to increasing vulnerability for both refugees and Nigerien nationals alike; a total of 3.3 million people—13 percent of the population—are acutely food insecure. 


The Joint Hub has been supporting the UNHCR and WFP country offices in Niger since June 2022, with the development and implementation of a common targeting strategy for basic needs assistance for refugees, IDPs and host populations. The new targeting strategy was implemented from May 2023 onwards, commencing with the community-based selection of households (May-August). The new lists of eligible households were used for food assistance from November 2023.

The full report here.