UNHCR-WFP Joint Analytical Framework (JAF)

The joint analytical framework (JAF) is a set of tools to guide UNHCR and WFP country operations to reach a common understanding of the ability of refugees, asylum seekers, and other forcibly displaced people to meet their basic needs.

UNHCR-WFP collaboration in Rwanda: Moving to needs based assistance for Refugees

Colleagues from UNHCR and WFP Rwanda country offices reflect on progress in implementing a new needs-based targeted approach for refugees. 

UNHCR-WFP Joint Assessment for Nigerian Refugees in Cameroon

The Joint Hub supported a UNHCR-WFP Joint Assessment for Nigerian Refugees living in the Far North region of Cameroon.

Resource on designing and implementing joint feedback mechanisms

The Joint Hub has developed a technical resource on designing and implementing joint feedback mechanisms.

Integrating Protection and AAP in Assessments and Monitoring

The Joint Hub has developed a technical resource on integrating protection and accountability to affected people (AAP) into UNHCR and WFP assessments and monitoring exercises.

Resource on community consultations to inform targeting

The Joint Hub has developed a technical resource on conducting community consultations to inform targeting and prioritization exercises.

How the UNHCR-WFP Joint Hub is promoting and supporting collaboration in Mauritania

Ziad Ayoubi, UNHCR Deputy Representative, and Paulo Oliveira, WFP Deputy Country Director talk about support provided by the Hub in Mauritania and reflect on the progress so far.

Our shared vision

Where refugees and other forcibly displaced people live an equitable, protected, and dignified life, where they are self-reliant and autonomous.

Our mission

To provide strategic and technical support, upscaling evidence-based action and leveraging expertise, efficiencies, and best-practice to inform protective, people-centred, needs-based solutions.

To foster collaborative action between WFP and UNHCR with governments and development actors through a shared vision and responsibility, to strengthen inclusion and to support an ethical humanitarian exit.

Purpose of the Joint Hub

The Joint Hub supports country and regional offices to operationalize global commitments on targeting, data sharing, accountability to affected people and enhance joint programming to meet basic needs and promote self-reliance. The Hub supports technical discussions and collaboration between UNHCR and WFP, in addition to filling gaps in technical needs.

Hub support aims to improve quality and timeliness of country response and to build awareness and implement WFP/ UNHCR global frameworks.

Types of Hub support

Working closely with UNHCR and WFP technical teams at the headquarters and regional level, the Hub provides support to some UNHCR-WFP country offices to strengthen joint assessments, monitoring and analysis,  the development of targeting strategies, improved accountability to affected populations, joint programming and data sharing and data systems interoperability with an aim to ensure assistance is targeted based on need and in support of refugee self-reliance.

Innovation and learning from country experiences are captured and shared, informing global guidance.

Requesting support

UNHCR and WFP Country Offices that are seeking support to UNHCR-WFP joint engagement can get in touch with the Hub team by writing to [email protected]

The Hub will then organize an introductory call with both UNHCR and WFP Country Office teams and Regional Bureau counterparts to discuss the operational context, support needs and how the Hub can provide support. 

Further discussions can then be held to facilitate the development of a Scope of Work document that outlines specific deliverables, and the roles of UNHCR and WFP country and regional teams, and the Hub.


The work of the Joint Hub is made possible thanks to the generous support of two US government entities, USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, and the US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM).